Yo La Tengo Live @ National Sawdust | Pitchfork Live

Yo La Tengo Live @ National Sawdust | Pitchfork Live
Channel Pitchfork
Views 440,188
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Uploaded 6 years, 6 months ago
Duration 1H 0m 19s


1 rating(s)


Yo La Tengo play songs from There’s a Riot Going On
Check out more shows from National Sawdust: https://nationalsawdust.org/
Directed by Michael Garber
Mixed by Jeff Curtin
00:00 You Are Here
10:25 Forever
16:20 for you too
23:14 Shades of Blue
27:40 Let's Do It Wrong
32:00 She May, She Might
39:30 Out of Pool
44:40 Ashes
51:00 Here You Are




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