Chants of Sennaar NEW hidden secret machine

Chants of Sennaar NEW hidden secret machine
Channel Not Aaron
Views 3,897
Likes 66
Comments 13
Uploaded 11 months ago
Duration 1m 50s

On 2nd of october u/the_anch0rite created a post in the chants of sennaar subreddit.
[Look at me]
"Two secrets were hidden
deep into the tower.
Have the Where and When
been found by the Traveler?"

Looking at the profile picture you can see a picture of an anchorite and merged with it's possible to make out the entrance of the fortress. After realizing it today I went back and sure enough, found it. We got no answers, only more questions now to answer, and the veil is revealed: there IS a bigger secret hidden in the game, ready to be uncovered.


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