Exposure Metering Modes vs Exposure Compensation

Exposure Metering Modes vs Exposure Compensation
Chaîne Peter Forsgård
Vues 17 547
Likes 810
Commentaires 92
Date de publication il y a 5 années, 5 mois
Durée 7m 21s

Exposure Metering Modes vs Exposure Compensation
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music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com

Disclaimer: I am an Olympus Visionary. I make all my content with mirrorless Olympus micro four-thirds gear.

Links to my Olympus gear (disclaimer: using these links when doing purchases, you support this channel. You pay the same price and I get a few bucks to finance this channel.)


This video was made with the following gear:

Olympus OM-D E-M1 MKII

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 17mm f1.2 Pro:

Rode Wireless Go

Dörr flexible LED light

Memory card:
Sandisk Extreme Pro 64GB

JOBY GorillaPod

Any professional inquires please email: peter@peterforsgard.com

Links to my accounts all around the web:

My portfolio: https://www.peterforsgard.com
My blog (eng): https://bit.ly/peterfblog
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jpeterf/
My Olympus page: https://my.olympus-consumer.com/members/peterf
My Olympus gear: https://www.ajatuksiavalokuvauksesta.com/my-gear
My kit.co store: https://kit.com/PeterF

#Olympus #PeterForsgard

(disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Using these links when doing purchases, you support this channel. You pay the same price and I get a few bucks to finance this channel.)


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