GREAT TIPS: Improvisation - classic bebop- "DONNA LEE"- Jazz Tutorial

GREAT TIPS: Improvisation - classic bebop- "DONNA LEE"- Jazz Tutorial
Channel Kent Hewitt
Views 3,141
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Uploaded 1 year, 11 months ago
Duration 9m 49s

Bebop Improvisation: Firstly, an analysis of melodic line and chord structure of classic jazz bebop tune "Donna Lee, a composition by legendary saxophonist, Charlie Parker. (This is Version 2, a follow up lesson))
Secondly, discusses and illustrates improvisational devices such as approach tones and target tones (chord tones). Version 1 from earlier You Tube video has a complete performance of the song, and discusses benefits of bebop drills and practices. (To watch Version 1, go here: )
For more lessons and exercises relating to this video, go to Jazz Piano Book
on website ( for beginner and all levels)
Also go to website to view New Appendix, a companion piece for the Jazz Piano Book, with over 1540 pages of exercises and drills to develop piano skills. (all in one book)


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